Nested-Virtualization - IA32_GS_BASE / IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE remark

Background: Debugging with Nested-VMM hang issue when injecting nested #DB, and the infinite #PF occur, the system will be freeze. Phenomenon: After Emulation of VMExit (L0 VMRESUME to L1), then causing VMExit Reason is 28 (CR access), and after that the Kernel GS Base is changed. Try to intercept WRMSR and find the instruction which modify IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE, therefore, as a follow screen capture: 0xFFFFF80002ADB369, which is in area of nt!SwapContext. Matched VMExit Reason PS. Because I take this screen capture at different time, so that address is not the same… and above: 0xFFFFF80002ADB369, there is a 0Xfffff80002a9c369 Analyze: - Take a look at the red box in the following screen capture, the function will be directly execute WRMSR into a 0C0000102H (IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE) MSR with actually qword ptr [r8+80h], r8 is an address of the current thread’s User Mode Scheduling Contro...